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Astronomy event
OCTOBER 7, 2023
day and night
Free with payment of park entrance fees. Rain cancels.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Join the Westminster Astronomy Society during the day to view the Sun through a solar telescope.
William Houck (Lake) Area
39.6268, -77.4629
14274 William Houck Drive
Thurmont, MD 21788
From US 15 in Thurmont, take MD 77 west for 3 miles. Turn left on to Catoctin Hollow Road and proceed 1.3 miles. Turn right on to William Houck Drive, proceed 0.4 miles. After the entrance station, turn right into the large parking lot. The viewing is at the far side of the parking lot, by the lake. An entrance fee may apply in season.
9:00pm - 11:00pm
Come back in the evening to see the Moon in its waxing gibbous phase and enjoy viewing other celestial bodies through telescopes.
Dam Overlook Parking Area
39.6275, -77.4552
14372 Catoctin Hollow Road
Thurmont, MD 21788
From US 15 in Thurmont, take MD 77 west for 3 miles. Turn left on to Catoctin Hollow Road and proceed 0.4 miles. The Dam parking lot is on your right. The viewing area is on the adjacent dam, use a headlamp or flashlight to walk out of the parking lot and on to the dam.